Checking Your Kitty’s Health With Color Changing Litter

Checking Your Kitty’s Health With Color Changing Litter

Cats are masters of hiding illness or pain.  Typically, the only indication a cat owner may have regarding the little tiger’s issue is when they become reclusive or start acting strangely.  Even then it can take pet parents a little while to pick up on subtle behavior changes in pets that are notorious for their tendencies to be aloof at times.  That’s exactly what the good people of Pretty Litter had in mind when they developed their product.

Checking Your Kitty’s Health With Color Changing LitterPretty Litter is a brand of litter that changes color to alert pet owners  in respect to health problems with their kitties.  The product is dust-free, scoopable, and eco-friendly.  On top of that, it is manufactured to react when abnormalities are detected, such as high acidity or alkalinity which could indicate inflammation and bladder issues common in older cats.  Detecting a host of other abnormalities as well also means getting Kitty to the vet before any issues get worse.

Though people with younger cats probably wouldn’t have to worry too much about keeping track of their jungles king’s health, those with older cats (eight and up) might want to consider using something that would alert them to potential problems, especially if the kitty has a history of health concerns or might be developing diabetes, as can be common in large cats (12 pounds and up) as they age.

Checking Your Kitty’s Health With Color Changing LitterThe price isn’t too drastic a difference either.  Though it only comes in three-pound bags the company claims three pounds is all you need for a month supply, versus the 20 pounds usually used.  If those numbers are correct then it still averages to a $20 monthly cost of kitty litter.

If you have an older cat that is in the danger zone for developing health issues, Pretty Litter might be the early warning system you may want to consider putting in place.

What do you think of this product, has anyone used it?  Tell us in the comments below.