4 More Tips for Summer Pet Care

With the summer months coming up, there are a few things pet owners should think over and prepare for. There are things that occur during summer that aren’t usually an every day occurrence during the rest of the year. Due to this, everyone who owns a pet should take the proper precautions and measures to assure that any and all […]

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Love Your Cat’s Claws: 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Declaw Your Cat

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Declaw Your Cat

We’ve all had that experience: Whiskers starts digging their claws into the brand new sofa and now there are scratch marks all over it. Some people spray them with water or say, “No,” in a firm tone to have them understand the consequences. However, there are some owners who start considering declawing their cat. From what I’ve seen, many pet […]

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