5 Things Your Cat Should Never Eat

Cat’s stomachs are not as strong as ours, and their bodies are not meant to eat everything that is available to them. It is important for pet owners to ensure their pet is eating foods that are good for them.

Here are five things that your cat should avoid eating at all costs.

1. Xylitol

Xylitol is an artificial sweetener used in many human-grade foods such as certain peanut butters, specific candies, chewing gum, and similar sugar-free foods we eat every day. In animals, this sweetener can cause severe and possibly fatal drops in blood sugar since xylitol prompts a sudden release of insulin. This can cause seizures and convulsions in your cat. It has also been recorded by the ASPCA that xylitol can cause felines to end up with extreme liver failure as well resulting in its possible death.
2. Chocolate

Chocolate is perhaps the most commonly heard of in lists of foods bad for your pets. However, many times owners still face the tragedy of their pets ingesting chocolate due to lack of information on chocolate’s effects on their cats. When cats eat chocolate it actually poisons the animal due to the caffeine and theobromine within the cacao seeds used for chocolate. Symptoms that owners should watch out for after a cat eats chocolate include vomiting, diarrhea, increased temperature, rapid breathing, and seizures.

3. Alcohol

It is cruel how many owners have confessed to giving their cat or other pet some alcohol to see their reactions. Even the smallest amount of alcohol in your cat’s system can cause liver failure and incurable brain damage for life. If the cat is continually given alcohol, the effects grow more severe and eventually your cat can die from the toxins.

4. Onions and Garlic

Humans are used to enjoying onions and garlics in their food every single day, but these are actually quite toxic for cats. Having a small lick of soup containing these ingredients won’t cause harm, but continually feeding your cat these products or even having your cat eat an entire clove of garlic can cause severe anemia in your feline and possibly become fatal to your pet. Many people add in broths containing onions or garlic to their cat’s food if the cat is older and has difficulty chewing their dry food. There are alternatives to feeding broth such as feeding your senior cat wet food mixed with dry food or adding in a broth safe for pets such as the broth by the brand Fruitables. This brand contains no toxins for pets but still has the same flavor and vitamins your cat needs and loves.

 5. Products Containing Dairy

Contrary to popular cartoon showing feeding your cat milk, many cats are actually lactose intolerant and cannot properly digest products containing dairy. This can cause extreme problems for your cat. As kittens, cats can gain all of their nutrients from milk made specifically for felines but still are unable to digest milk that humans drink.

If you find that your cat has ingested something they are not able to consume and that can cause severe side effects, including death, seek out a veterinarian or another animal specialist. Animal poison control companies know how to treat your pet after it eats something toxic and it is best to trust your pet in their hands if anything happens.

Has your cat ever eaten something he or she shouldn’t have? Leave a comment and let us know how you handled it!